Credigy’s Holiday Fundraiser Unites Employees for a Cause

At Credigy, giving back to the community is more than a priority – it’s a beloved holiday tradition.  For more than 10 years, Credigy and its employees have supported NFCC’s mission through their annual holiday fundraiser, raising a total of more than $275,000 to help local families in need.  In addition to their financial contributions, Credigy and its employees are involved with NFCC’s Back-to-School program, providing hundreds of filled backpacks each year.

The company’s culture of giving is rooted in making philanthropy both fun and meaningful.

“CredigyCares is our employee-driven approach to giving. We follow our employees’ lead by giving our time, energy, and money to non-profit organizations they suggest.  Choosing NFCC as the beneficiary of our holiday fundraiser was a natural fit,” says Kirsty Hutchinson, Director of Employee Experience & Corporate Affairs at Credigy.  “Their mission resonated so strongly with our team that it blossomed into a decade-long partnership and a treasured holiday tradition for our team.”

During the annual holiday fundraiser, Credigy encourages involvement by sharing frequent company-wide updates, providing details on how to donate, inspiring employees to get involved, and explaining how donation matching can double their impact.


To further engage employees, Credigy enlists “Holiday CheerMakers,” who act as fundraising ambassadors within each department. They organize fun events, spark friendly competition, and motivate their colleagues to participate.

Last year, Credigy used NFCC’s new peer-to-peer fundraising platform, allowing them to easily collect donations and share the campaign.

“Our teams enjoyed the competitive view of the fundraising platform, which allowed us to see the progress of each department and created a spirit of competition and extra motivation to become the top supporter for NFCC. It was an easy link to share during our internal communication campaign and allowed for seamless tracking of our fundraising results,” say Hutchinson.

Currently, Credigy is gearing up for another rewarding season of giving.

“We incorporate a lot of fun into our fundraising process; however, we find the biggest motivator is simply reminding our people of the needs in our community, the impact of their donations, and the importance of supporting NFCC’s mission,” says Hutchinson.

If your organization is interested in hosting a fundraiser for NFCC using our easy-to-use fundraising platform, click here to learn more. 

Did You Know:

NFCC awarded 15 graduates their GED certificates last year.