Holiday Baskets Deliver Joy to Local Seniors

December 13, 2021 – NFCC would like to offer a huge word of thanks to everyone who participated in the Holiday Baskets program. The baskets were lovingly decorated and filled with heartwarming treats for seniors receiving services from NFCC. Many of these seniors are medically compromised or accessibility-challenged so a personal delivery is especially meaningful.

Through your generosity and care, we were able to serve more than 300 local seniors this year.

If you would like to join the fun, please note that because the need is great, we added volunteer shifts to our Toyland Shop program. Working a shift is a great way to connect with your community this holiday season.  Click here to learn more and take a look at available shifts on our Sign Up Genius.

Did You Know:

NFCC provides over $1.4 million dollars in emergency financial assistance for rent, utilities, transportation and other necessities to families in North Fulton.

NFCC offices & food pantry will close 8/31 & 9/2. The Thrift Shop will be open./Las oficinas de NFCC y la despensa de alimentos cerrarán el 31 de agosto y el 2 de septiembre. La tienda de segunda mano estará abierta.