Host a #GivingTuesday Drive

#GivingTuesday is a national movement to donate to a worthy cause the Tuesday following Thanksgiving (November 30, this year). If your office or business is looking for a way to inspire each other, consider hosting an NFCC #GivingTuesday drive. Contact Sherri Morgan, Director of Development, and she will create a unique url you can share with your team. All you have to do is encourage online contributions. We will be happy to provide you with a report of all donations.

Our #GivingTuesday goal is to meet the challenge of one week at NFCC. Inflation and affordable housing shortages have made circumstances especially difficult for families in need in our community. In a single week, NFCC rises to the challenge of the times with:

  • $45,000+ worth of food to more than 800 households
  • $8,000 of clothing assistance
  • $30,000 – rent stabilization for an average of 40 households
  • ESL classes and GED tutoring for 120 students
  • Seasonal programs that annually serve more than 700 families with minor children

Next year we will add vital workforce development – financial coaching and job coaching. With your support, NFCC can continue to offer these comprehensive wrap-around services. Workforce development training, food assistance, clothing assistance, temporary rental assistance and seasonal programs work together to restore hope and foster financial stability for our families.

Work together to help us meet our goal! Together, we can help!

Did You Know:

9+ tons – weight of the food NFCC gives out each week – about the size of a large elephant.

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