Ukrainian Mother Earns GED After Completing ESL Classes

Yana came from Ukraine a year ago with her husband and three children, after her husband secured work with an American logistics company.  Escaping the war-torn country, she left a successful accounting business and arrived in the United States speaking very little English.

When she heard about NFCC’s English-as-a-Second-Language Program at her church, Living Water in Buford, she was eager to enroll.  She began attending ESL classes in May 2023, and she and her family embraced the English language immersion. Yana moved quickly through the ESL classes and then enrolled our GED program. The GED program allowed her to continue working on her English skills and earn credentials she needed to secure work.  Even though Yana had earned a degree while living in Ukraine, her university in Ukraine was hit by a bomb and all records were destroyed. Earning a GED would allow to continue to rebuild her life here in North Fulton.

On February 27, 2024, Yana earned her GED.  Now, she is enrolled in classes at Interactive Technology College and plans to return to working in accounting.

“This GED program improves the English vocabulary, and the atmosphere is very friendly.  Thank you for your support at every step,” said Yana.

Yana told NFCC program manager Wynona Kuehl that she is enjoying her new home. “It is similar to Kiev, the motion of the life, and the comfort.  The people smile and are friendly.”  She also shared, “I like the United States Constitution and how the three branches of government work together.”

Congratulations, Yana!  We are grateful to have your family as part of the North Fulton community.  We look forward to seeing what the future holds for you!

Did You Know:

The government says housing is “affordable” if a family spends no more than 30% of their income to live there.

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