volunteers from synchrony pose in the thrift shop

Synchrony’s Annual ‘Give Back’ Event Gets Employees Engaged

NFCC’s Doubles Dive Silent Auction from 2023

At Synchrony,  a national consumer financial services company, supporting local nonprofits is one way the company lives out its values of “Being Caring and Responsible.”

In April 2024, Synchrony’s Alpharetta office raised more than $9,000 for NFCC during its annual ‘Doubles Dive’ Event.  This year’s event took a different spin.  Employees had a a chance to donate money for a chance to ‘dunk’ colleagues in tank. Doubles Dive was started in 2015 by Synchrony’s President and CEO Brian Doubles as a “polar bear plunge” to raise money for nonprofits and give back to the community.

“The Doubles Dive is different across all of the Synchrony sites, and our Alpharetta site always makes it a big event!  In addition to the dive we also do a silent auction with all of the funds raised going directly to NFCC.  This year we also added a canned food drive for the NFCC Pantry,” said Peyton Mize, AVP, Growth Learning & Development.

Creating a community-focused event like this has helped Synchrony with employee engagement and building a positive work culture.

Volunteers from Synchrony help out in the food pantry

“In this newly hybrid world, where we don’t come into an office every day like we used to, Synchrony is always trying to find intentional ways to get our employees back together for in-person engagement. Building and maintaining relationships is a huge part of our culture, as is supporting the community, so when we get the chance to do both at the same time we always take it!” Mikaela Waller, AVP of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Citizenship.

Synchrony has long been committed to investing in and lifting up communities where they live and work. Across the country, that takes shape in a variety of forms. Synchrony’s matching gifts and grants programs offer critical financial support to its nonprofit partners. Alongside financial support, Synchrony employees volunteer thousands of community-service hours every year, everything from building homes and beautification projects to mentoring inner-city students.

Synchrony’s Doubles Dive event benefiting NFCC in 2019

Synchrony’s Alpharetta site has been a tremendous partner to NFCC, supporting those we serve through food drives and backpack and school supply drives and participating in our golf and pickleball tournaments.  We are grateful for their support.

If you’re interested in learning how your company or group can increase engagement by supporting NFCC, visit our corporate and organizational partnership page.

Did You Know:

More than 125 local families receive food from NFCC every single day.

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