car donors shake hands with recipient while standing in front of the white SUV

A Donated Car Brings Hope to Mom of Four

This holiday season was extra special one of the families we serve. Just days before Christmas, Shayla Jenkins and her family received Buick SUV through NFCC’s car donation program.

While Shayla Jenkins has a work-from-home job that gives her the balance and flexibility to care for her four children, ages 10, 8, 5 and 3, she has struggled to make ends meet at times. With occasional help from NFCC’s food pantry and seasonal programs, Shayla has been able to provide a stable life for herself and her children.

However, without reliable transportation, she struggled to keep her family moving forward.

“Having four kids comes with a lot of responsibilities,” Shayla said. Juggling weekly in-person work meetings, plus appointments for kids, shopping and soccer practices is costly and difficult. “Having a car would really help me and my family.”

Shayla learned about NFCC’s car donation program and filled out an application. She was elated when she found out that a couple had

donated an SUV in great condition.

When NFCC supporters Carol and Joe Julian decided to purchase a new car, they opted to donate their SUV to NFCC, instead of trading it in.  This is second vehicle the couple have donated to NFCC. The first was in 2011.

“When you look at the resale value of a car versus what someone would pay for one, it was a no-brainer for us,” added Joe.

“We’re glad to help out. We donate groceries about every two weeks. I buy too much at Kroger and we bring the excess here,” said Carol. “We’ve been very fortunate in life, we’re happy to give back.”

After the car underwent a thorough inspection and paperwork had been started, Shayla came to NFCC for the big day.  The Julians were able to join and witness Shayla’s excitement. She couldn’t wait show the car to her kids.

“They are going to be so excited! This is going to make such a difference to us – just being able to get back and forth – it’s amazing. Next year I’m going to have three kids in elementary and one in middle school. This is going to be such a help!”

If you have a well-maintained car that could make a difference in the life of a local family, consider donating it to NFCC rather than trading it in. You are allowed to take a tax deduction for the fair market value of the car in most cases, and you will have the benefit of knowing it is going directly to a family like Shayla’s who need it.  Contact Sandy Holiday for more information or to get started.

Did You Know:

90%+ of individuals that receive financial assistance remain stably housed for 3+ months.

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