Kaiser Permanente Bridge Program

Enrollment Runs November 1 - January 15

The Kaiser Permanente Bridge Program provides comprehensive health insurance for people who are uninsured, income-eligible, and active clients of NFCC by providing help to pay for a Kaiser Permanente for Individuals and Families (KPIF) plan.

Kaiser will subsidize the full monthly premium from enrollment until December 31 of the enrollment year (2025). (You may reapply annually at the discretion of Kaiser Permanente if you continue to meet the program eligibility requirements.) Coverage under the KPIF health plan includes preventive services, hospitalization, comprehensive pharmacy, and more. When you are accepted into the Bridge Program, you are enrolled in the KP GA Gold 500 Ded/500 Rx Ded plan or KP GA Signature Gold 500 Ded/500 Rx Ded plan for your health coverage.

You also get financial help in the following two ways:

  • Kaiser Permanente will subsidize the monthly premium, so you have no monthly payment.
  • You pay no out-of-pocket costs for most covered services that you receive at Kaiser Permanente medical offices. (If you receive care somewhere other than Kaiser Permanente, in most cases, you’ll have to pay the copays or out-of-pocket costs on your own.)


You and your family may qualify to receive health care coverage under the Bridge Program if you meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • The primary applicant must be actively enrolled with a participating community partner – for example, receiving services from NFCC
  • The primary applicant and applying dependents live in a household with an income no more than 100% of the federal poverty level. (Household includes self, spouse/domestic partner, and dependents).
  • For families with more than 8 people, add $5,380 for each additional person per year.
  • The primary applicant and all applying dependents cannot be eligible for other public or private health coverage such as, but not limited to, Medicaid, PeachCare for Kids®, Medicare, an affordable job-based health plan, or financial help through Georgia Access.
  • All child dependents must be younger than 26.


If you are eligible, please click the button to complete an interest form. If you qualify for the program, we will contact you to schedule a case management appointment to enroll.

ATENCIÓN: si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 1-888-865-5813 (TTY: 711)

Did You Know:

The NFCC Thrift Shop is open to the public. Income from the store supports NFCC programs and operations.