Time to Sign Up for Holiday Programs!

AROUND THE CORNER: Our holiday programs are available online now! It’s finally time to sign up to volunteer or donate to  our Warm Coats program, Thanksgiving Food program, Holiday Baskets for seniors or The Toyland Shop program. We have already had tremendous response from the community pledging support of Warm Coats. One change you may notice from previous years is that we ask you to let us know about your donation plans via Sign Up Genius so that we can accurately keep count of expected donations. Your kind assistance helping us stay organized is most greatly appreciated. 

Every year we are touched by the outpouring of good will that the North Fulton community shows to these programs. Your desire to connect with your fellow man and give back as you are able is heartwarming and inspiring.

Visit on http://nfccholiday.org/ today to join us.

Did You Know:

125+ families receive food each day and close to 23,000 food orders are filled each year.

Make a monthly impact by joining Circle of HopeJoin today