Holiday Senior Baskets Make Great Group Projects

Our next seasonal program – Holiday Baskets – is all about making seniors feel special this time of year. We have identified 300 seniors this year most of whom have accessibility issues or are medically fragile. Volunteers assemble cheerful baskets filled with holiday goodies and practical items. Suggested items include non-perishable food, socks, home decor items and treats. This year’s theme is Souper Seniors so we are focusing on soups, bowls, festive dishtowels and other handy items.

Assembling one or more senior baskets can be a great holiday project for a Girl Scout troop, church class or other small group. Each member brings a specific item and together you make a great care package for someone to enjoy.  If you are interested in participating, please visit our page and let us know on Sign Up Genius how many you plan to contribute. We receive all assembled baskets December 10th and 11th for delivery to seniors December 12th. For details visit our page.

Did You Know:

87% of the education program participants increased their wages or improved wage earning potential last year.

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