Sometimes You Just Need Help Over a Bump

The holiday season was tough for Gary Borges. As an IT professional, he made a good living, kept his head above water and although he didn’t have a lot in savings, he never expected to be someone in need of help.

In November, Gary lost his job and soon the bills started to pile up. Determined to get a handle on the situation, Gary Googled financial assistance in Fulton County and found his way to NFCC.

He met with a case manager to review what resources NFCC could offer to help him get back on his feet. She pointed him to the food pantry, secured assistance with December rent and bills, and even referred him to St. Vincent de Paul for additional resources. In no time, his immediate needs – December rent, bills, car payment and groceries were paid. He even enjoyed the luxury of candy treats along with groceries.

“If you are in crisis it’s important to know there are a number of places that can help. Your group referred me to St Vincent de Paul who also helped. One local church gave me $90 in gas money when I stopped by their office and asked for help. It’s very important to try and understand who is out there.”

At the beginning of the year, he started a new job as IT Project Manager. “I want to reiterate my sincere thanks for the safety net your group provided, I was days away from living in my car, seriously. While no one can support someone fully long term, help over a bump can sometimes be enough to save a situation or to buy time to make plans.”

Did You Know:

NFCC provides over $1.4 million dollars in emergency financial assistance for rent, utilities, transportation and other necessities to families in North Fulton.

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