VITA Tax Preparation and Filing Assistance
NFCC offers free income tax preparation and filing for individuals and families making $84,000 or less annually. Through a partnership with the Internal Revenue Services (IRS) and United Way, NFCC provides the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program each year.
We provide volunteers with IRS training and certification to assist community members in filing their income taxes. Free basic income tax return preparation with electronic filing is also available.
Bilingual (Spanish) services available most Mondays and Fridays.
Joint returns require both filers to be present to sign the return.
At your appointment, you will need to bring the following:
- A valid, official photo identification (for you and your spouse if filing jointly)
- Social Security Number (SSN) card for everyone on your return
- Previous year’s tax return
- All W-2s, 1099s and income documents
- Proof of expenses
- Advance Child Tax Credit letter or documentation
- Voided check or account number card to direct deposit your refund. (This is optional but allows you to receive your refund quickly.)
- Form 1095-A (if you have healthcare through the marketplace)
- Form 1098-Mortgage Interest, property taxes, closing statement
- If you had child care or dependent care expenses, please bring the name, address and Tax ID or SSN/ITIN of the care provider.
For more information, click here to see the United Way VITA FAQ.
Did You Know:
The NFCC Thrift Shop is open to the public. Income from the store supports NFCC programs and operations.