Help from home

There are so many ways to help North Fulton Community Charities outside of our building. If you are under the age of 13 and can’t yet volunteer with us on location, the following are great projects you can do on your own or with a group of friends. Even if you are 13 or older, you can still use these projects to earn service hours for school, clubs, and more. The Gratitude Calendar is a great project for the family in November. 

 Make it fun and incorporate a theme! Be sure to check our Most Needed List before planning  your Food Drive.

Theme Ideas:

“Can Do” Attitude

Trick or Treat to Eat – Halloween week

It’s “Uncanny” – Non-canned food (bagged or boxed items)

Pasta Patrol – Macaroni and cheese, noodles of all sorts

Boxes for Breakfast – Cereal, pop-tarts, granola or grain bars

Battle of the Boxes – Class challenge food drive collecting box foods

Souper Bowl – January food drive for canned soup

Fruity Friday – Can fruit collection

Snack Time: Granola Bars, Raisins, Nuts (healthy based snacks)

Clean out your drawers and closet – donate seasonally appropriate items you don’t need to the NFCC Thrift Shop

Earn money doing odd jobs around the house – donate proceeds to NFCC or purchase items for the NFCC Food Pantry

Start a Lemonade Stand or Bake Sale – donate proceeds to NFCC

We keep these packs available for our Food Pantry clients. The bags MUST be precise.  

Put the following items in a quart-sized Ziploc bag:  

  • 1-2 – travel size shampoo
  • 1-2 – travel size conditioner
  • 1-2 – travel size lotion
  • 2-3 – small bar soaps
  • 1 – travel size toothpaste

(These are the basics we put in each bag.)

Next, FILL the bag with either more items from the list or other small travel size items. Suggestions include bandaids, chapstick, body wash, shower cap, hand sanitizer, travel size deodorant, etc.  Please DO NOT include disposable razors or an unwrapped toothbrush. Make sure the bag is completely full, but won’t break open when closed. Be sure they are zipped tight! 

 If you want to put in a little encouragement note, poem or verse, go ahead!  Please do not bring back any “incomplete” bags.

Clients may use their pantry points to order these feminine product bags. The bags MUST be precise and may contain only one type of item.  

  • 12 tampons in one quart-sized ziploc bag.
  • 12 panty liners in one quart-sized ziploc bag.
  • 8 pads in one quart-sized ziploc bag.

Clients may use their pantry points to order diaper bundles. We break down large store packages into the smaller bundles. (No diapers under size 4 please.)

• Diapers Size 4, 5, 6 and Pull-ups – 8 per bundle

• Bundles are rubber-banded together with a post-it labeling the size.  

If you have extras you want to donate, just rubber-band and label by size, then put in a separate sack labeled “Extras.”

Wipes are divided by container into bundles of about 20-25 (no need to count), folded over and put in a sandwich-sized Ziploc bag.  No need to label. But sure it is zipped tight!

Please put them back into the box they came from for easy storage in our pantry!

Help Us Keep Track of Your At Home Project!

Fill out the Help from Home form and let us know what you have planned. We want to know!

Did You Know:

The government says housing is “affordable” if a family spends no more than 30% of their income to live there.